Category Archives: Business Tips

¿Cómo Pueden Prepararse Para El Invierno Las Empresas De Jardinería?

La jardinería invernal es una gran parte de las proyecciones anuales de negocios de muchas empresas de jardinería, pero por cada compañía de jardinería que se mantiene ocupada durante los meses de invierno, hay muchas que tienen muy poco trabajo. Esto no tiene por qué ser así. Este invierno es el momento justo para preparar un jardín para que llegue a su máximo potencial durante la primavera y el verano. Al adaptar tus servicios de cuidado de jardines al clima invernal, puedes mantener las puertas de tu negocio abiertas durante todo el año. De la misma manera, el mantenimiento de una buena lista de clientes potenciales te mantendrá trabajando aun cuando el suelo se encuentre cubierto de hielo y nieve. En CraftJack sabemos cómo ayudarte a mantenerte ocupado durante el invierno. Contáctanos hoy mismo para averiguar cómo.   


Creating A Home Building Estimate

Home-building estimates are tricky. Project too low and your funding could run out halfway through the job. Go too high and you might not get the project in the first place. To give your client a good idea of total cost, you need to account for every part of the project — from plot price to roof truss.

Looking for better construction leads in your area? Create a CraftJack account to receive real-time leads near you.


¿Cómo Iniciar Un Negocio De Techado?

Una de las mejores cosas que nos puede suceder en la vida es tener la oportunidad de trabajar en una profesión que disfrutamos. Sin embargo, el convertir esa profesión en un negocio rentable que pueda mantenerte a ti, a tu familia y a tus empleados es algo completamente distinto. Si deseas iniciar tu propio negocio de techado, los siguientes consejos son exactamente lo que necesitas.

Uno de los puntos más importantes para iniciar un negocio de techado es una buena lista de clients potenciales. En CraftJack hacemos el trabajo por ti. Contactanos hoy y averigua como te podemos ayudar.


¿Cómo Funciona Un Listado De Clientes Potenciales Para Contratistas?

Una de las cosas que cabe aclarar antes de entrar en la materia que nos ocupa es el hecho de que un listado de clientes potenciales no es lo mismo que un cliente establecido. Para muchos puede ser confuso el término, debido a que se puede prestar a creer que un cliente potencial representa un trabajo seguro. Sin embargo, la realidad es otra, aunque puede ser igual de redituable para el contratista.

¿Busca nuevos clientes en su area? Regístrese con CraftJack hoy y comience a encontrar más clientes potenciales en su área.


What Are Essential Home Services?

As you know, many states are under shelter-in-place orders, allowing only essential businesses and entities to remain open. We are all learning that the word ‘essential’ is a very ambiguous term and each state’s definition is ever-changing. Not to mention, many businesses are taking advantage of loopholes in policy changes, making it hard to know which way is up and which way is down.

Disregarding orders can lead to massive fines, license removal, and mandatory business closure. While we can’t eliminate the gray area, we can try to make things somewhat black and white. 


SEO For Contractors

You have likely heard the acronym SEO, and maybe you have even read about search engine optimization, but still, its meaning and relevance elude you. Don’t feel bad; by definition, it seems rather simple but understanding the intricacies and implementation are much more complex and ever-changing which is likely what you have found out.

In today’s dominant online landscape, SEO for contractors is as important as a contractor’s ability to do their trade well; so, fortunately, there are a lot of resources and SEO tips at CraftJack to help you wade in the SEO waters.


Online Reputation Management For Contractors

It’s almost impossible to get through life as a contractor without someone being dissatisfied with some aspect of service at one point or another. Even the best and most successful professionals get negative reviews every once in a while. But when you’re in this industry, your reputation depends on reviews.

The internet is your friend and can make generating new business a whole lot easier, but if you’re not careful, it can quickly turn into a foe. This is why it’s so important for contractors to understand why online reputation management matters and how to successfully engage with others online.


How Contractors Find Jobs to Bid & Win

Home improvement lead generation is only half the battle when you own a construction business. You can have all the contacts in the world, but if you’re unable to turn those into paying customers, they don’t do your business much good. Earning customers isn’t always easy, which is why CraftJack is here to give the best tips and tricks to bid and win construction and home remodeling jobs!

Are you ready to find more job opportunities in your area? Sign up with CraftJack today and start receiving leads from homeowners near you.


Contractor Lead Generation Tips & Tricks

As a contractor, one of the more frustrating parts of your job is likely trying to find leads. Job opportunities are out there, but they don’t always find you. Sometimes you have to take an active role in reaching out and cultivating potential clients and customers.

It can be overwhelming to even decide where to start, but have no fear! CraftJack is here to share the best tips and tricks for home improvement lead generation.

If you’re looking to find more leads in your area, we’re here to help. Sign up with CraftJack today and start getting leads from homeowners near you.


Improving Customer Communication

Even the most successful contractors have to deal with customers who may be challenging to sell to. Chances are these customers aren’t doing it on purpose, but either way, it costs your business time and money. Here are some common situations everyone has to deal with at one point or another and how to overcome them. 

Are you ready to connect with more customers in your area? Sign up with CraftJack today and find more contractor job opportunities near you.