Author Archives: Account Management Team

Call and Lead Tracking: Helping You Close More Jobs

More leads equate to more business. Nevertheless, there are always slow seasons for any business and a great way to combat rough times is by tracking the status of your currents leads and following up whenever necessary. Like any good lead manager platform, contractors should always be able to track and mark the status of your current referrals. This tracking system can be the difference between lost and closed leads.


Why Funny Voicemail Greetings Are Great

As a business, you should always be looking for new and creative ways to get people talking about your business. Many companies, no matter what industry they are in, fail to take advantage of the simple, everyday opportunities they have to create a fun, remarkable and unforgettable experience for their customers. A funny voicemail greeting has the ability to meet all of those qualifications.

As we iterated in 5 Voicemail Message Myths, when you are leaving a message for your potential leads, there are certain rules everyone should follow. Those myths have been studied and show that dismissing them result in fewer callbacks. Nonetheless, few studies have been dedicated to voicemail greetings. Therefore, you should think outside of the box and do something different. A comedic voicemail like this famous greeting from George Costanza in Seinfeld is a great example.


How To Leave A Better Voicemail Message

The goal of lead generation is to talk to potential clients. The underlying assumption to productive lead generation is the ability to leave terrific voicemails. As I am sure all our contractors have experienced at one point or another, all leads do not call you back. One reason could be an ineffective voicemail message.

Whether it was the wrong time, wrong tone or wrong opening, there is no way to know why a lead did not call you back. However, there are certain tendencies you can implement to greatly increase your chances of getting a call back.


5 Tips to Start a Contracting Blog

The marketing world has drastically changed over the last few years. Not only are businesses encouraging their fans to push their products via word of mouth referrals, but many businesses are making a killing by publishing daily content, or blogs to their website and social media channels. After all, 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.

Evident by that statistic, blogging has quickly become one of the premier and most effective forms of marketing. Whether you are managing a company blog with 10,000 subscribers or just getting into the writing business, our five tips for any contracting blog will undoubtedly increase your online exposure and win your business new jobs.